Sunday, 9/6/2020, 10:00am Green Tara Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 9/6, at 10am, Venerable Lama Kalsang will again lead the Green Tara Practice online. The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.

On Saturday, 9/5, the Beginners Class will continue their discussion of the Paramitas. Here is a list of the Paramita texts to be used. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Starting on 9/8, a new class for beginners, Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley, will meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00 on Zoom.
This will be an informal and interactive class that will offer an introduction to practice, philosophy and meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, with the aim of providing a basic foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC. Here’s a 2-page overview of the contents of this class.
To join this upcoming Tuesday meeting and all following Tuesdays please use this link:

To join any of the Thursday evening practices please use this link:
The Buddhist Society of Pittsburgh will host an outdoor event “Ceremony and Memorial for Community Well-Being and Healing “, on Saturday, 9/12, on the Zen Center of Pittsburgh grounds, with social distancing practices, limited to 50 participants. The starting time is around 1:00pm. To participate, please register ahead of time at their website,