Sunday, 3/14/2021, Chenrezig Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Sunday, 3/14/2021, 10:00am Chenrezig Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 3/14, at 10am, Lama Kalsang will lead our Chenrezig practice online.  Chenrezig is revered in Tibetan Buddhism as the bodhisattva who looks upon all sentient beings with the eye of compassion.  The six-syllable mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, which means “jewel in a lotus”, symbolizes the altruistic intention of the great bodhisattva to become enlightened in order to liberate all beings from the mire of suffering.  Please join us:


Recurring weekly:

Every Saturday at 10am.  Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study.  Lama Kalsang and Toby Horn will be discussing chapters of The Way of the Bodhisattva. No prior knowledge or preparation is required. To join our Saturday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  Silent meditation open to anyone with any level of experience, with sangha member Keith Romig.  To join any Wednesday practice:

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