The 19th Mani Drupchen Retreat Dec.23-29, 2021
Dear Friends,
TRTCC spiritual director Ven. Khenpo Choephel sent us a flyer early this morning about the Mani Drupchen at Rinchen Ling Monastery in Nepal, and we would like to share the information with you. All login information is on this flyer.
Kathmandu is 10 hours and 45 minutes ahead of Eastern Standard Time. It will actually be 8 o’clock Saturday morning at Rinchen Ling when Nubpa Rinpoche is giving his teaching. In the United States EST, the starting time will be at 9:15 p.m. this evening, Dec 24.
It’s a joyful thing and a blessing that we’re able to join this retreat at Rinchen Ling.
Here’s a photo of our beloved Khenpo Choephel at Rinchen Ling, from their Facebook posts: