Dear Dharma Friends,
Lama Kalsang’s travel plans have been extended and he will be in Nepal until mid June. Until then we are on a modified practice schedule. This week our Wednesday evening yidam practice is on pause.
Thursday is Evening Tea Break at 7pm, Saturday morning is Vajrasattva practice at 9am, and this Sunday at 10am our practice will be Om Ah Hum and 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva.
Looking forward to June, we are bringing back Introduction to Practice on the first Tuesday of each month. The first Zoom meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4. This introduction to the center’s practices and to the meaning of the invocations that are part of every practice is offered monthly. Newcomers may find this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism helpful. Stay tuned for the Zoom link in next week’s emai!
Please be advised: the CDC is currently listing our community hospital admission level of COVID as low. This is based on data for the week ending May 11, 2024. Masks remain optional for our in person practices at the center but we encourage you to please act with caution. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well or have had a recent exposure to COVID, please ensure that you are negative with a home test before coming in or to please join us online.
May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!
Thursday, May 30, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, June 1, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.

Sunday, June 2, 10 am. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva and Om Ah Hung practice and meditation. Join us on Zoom.