August 18-19 Teaching and Retreat with Ven. Khenpo Choephel

Kusali Chöd Practice and the Thousand-Armed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokiteshvara Sadhana with Ven. Khenpo Choephel

Saturday and Sunday, August 18-19, 2018

10am – 4:30pm

The Venerable Khenpo Choephel, spiritual director and resident teacher of TRTCC, will lead a practice on Kusali Chöd (གཅོད) which literally means “cutting through“.  It is an internal mental practice to offer one’s body as nectar to the beings in the six realms in order to cut through one’s self-grasping and self-cherishing.  This is an important practice to help practitioners cut through ego and all forms of attachment, the root of our suffering.  This is also a great purification practice to purify our negative karma, the past harmful actions that we have done.

Saturday, August 18, 2018
10am – 12pm    Explanation of the Chöd practice
12pm – 1:30pm   Lunch break
1:30pm – 4:30pm   Kusali Chöd practice

Sunday, August 19, 2018
10am – 12pm    the Thousand Armed and Thousand Eyed Avalokiteshvara Teaching
12pm – 1:30pm    Lunch break
1:30pm – 4:30pm    Avalokiteshvara Sadhana practice

Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig in Tibetan) is the deity embodying loving kindness and compassion.  The action in loving Kindness and Compassion is much needed in today’s world where suffering abounds.   The essence of this Thousand Armed and Thousand Eyed Chenrezig practice is to generate the awakening mind, bodhicitta, in order to liberate all sentient beings from all forms of suffering.  The practice includes invocation, offering, visualization, recitation of mantra, meditation on compassion, and some ritual practices such as torma and tsok offering.  This practice is beneficial to the world, to all sentient beings in this world, and to oneself as well.

As our resounding dedication prayer goes on: “Bodhicitta, the excellent and precious mind, where it is unborn may it arise.  Where it is born, may it not decline, but ever increase, higher and higher.

The Venerable Khenpo Choephel, spiritual director and resident teacher of
Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center



Suggested donation is $35 for each day Saturday and Sunday and $60 for both days.  Your donations will support TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round.  No one will be turned away from dharma teaching for insufficient funds.  To download a flyer, please click here.   August 2018 flyer

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218