Ven. Khenpo Choephel to give a public talk Friday September 28 at the Sixth Presbyterian Church

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center presents:

A Public Talk on

“Why is a Spiritual Path important

and What is this Spiritual Path?”

by Ven. Khenpo Choephel

Friday, September 28, 2018 at 7:00pm

at the Sixth Presbyterian Church

The Venerable Khenpo Choephel, spiritual director and resident teacher of Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center, will give a public talk on Friday, September 28, at the Sixth Presbyterian Church of Squirrel Hill on the topic of why a spiritual path is important and what this spiritual path is.

Khenpo Choephel is a Tibetan Lama originally from Tibet.  He has been the spiritual director and resident teacher of TRTCC since November 2011.  Ordained at an early age in Tibet, Khenpo Choephel has received precious teachings from many great spiritual masters in Tibet, India and Nepal.  He has served for over 30 years as a dharma teacher, ritual and chant master, spiritual director and retreat master in monasteries and dharma centers all over the world.  He leads weekly meditation practices and offers special teachings on foundational and advanced topics in Tibetan Buddhism.

LOCATION: Sixth Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh
1688 Murray Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

To many of us, a spiritual path is our way of trying to figure out the meaning of life, a way to reach a deeper understanding of oneself amid all the chaos and pain that life has brought on to us.

  • Is it about the searching for the light within?
  • Is there a universal principle that can help us see the same goodness in all of us despite our differences?
  • What guidance can we have to help us deal with social ills and injustices?
  • What actions can we take to turn this life a useful and beneficial one?
  • How do we free ourselves from distracting thoughts and destructive actions?
  • Can a life with peace and happiness be attainable and sustainable?

There will be a Q&A session at the end of Khenpo’s presentation.  We invite you to join us and be part of this conversation.  Share with us your observation or insight.  This event is free and open to all.  No registration is necessary.  Donations to support TRTCC’s cultural and educational events are heartily appreciated as always.




To download a flyer for this event please click here:  September 2018 Public Talk flyer

Please help us pass the word so more interested people can attend.  We look forward to seeing you there.