TRTCC Upcoming Practices, June 17 – 19

Dear Dharma Friends,

Ven. Khenpo Choephel and Lama Kalsang will be travelling over the next few weeks to help with other sangha events — our weekly schedule will be in a bit of flux. There is no Wednesday evening yidam practice this week. The Tuesday evening class, Introduction to Practice, is going to return next week, Tuesday, June 21, at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

Our regular TRTCC Saturday and Sunday practices this week are cancelled — Khenpo Choephel and Lama Kalsang are helping Lama Sonam lead the 10th Annual Chenrezig Drubchen for Peace at the US Jokhang Temple in Danvers, MA, June 17 – 19. The Drubchen will be shared on Zoom, with the link made available after registration.

Chenrezig empowerment is required to participate in the Drubchen. However, any previous Chenrezig empowerment will suffice. If you have not yet received the empowerment, it is being offered this Friday, June 17th from 6:30pm – 9:00pm EST.


The Drubchen schedule is as follows:

​Friday, June 17th, Chenrezig Empowerment: 6:30pm – 9:00pm

Saturday, June 18th:
Day Sessions:
9:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch Break
1:30pm – 5:00pm
Dinner Break

Night Sessions:
8:30pm – 12:00am
12:00am – 3:30am
3:30am – 7:00am
Breakfast Break

Sunday, June 19th:
9:00am – 12:00pm
Lunch Break
1:30pm – 5:00pm (Tsok)

  • Night session attendance is not required, but attendance of at least one night session is encouraged.
  • Attendance of the entire Drubchen is best, but if this is not possible, please attend as your schedule permits!



May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!



TRTCC Upcoming Teachings And Empowerment, June 11-12

Dear Dharma Friends,

Our practices this week will include the Phowa teachings, Bodhisattva Vow, and Empowerment on June 11 & 12. There is no Wednesday evening yidam practice this week. The Tuesday evening class, Introduction to Practice, is going to return on Tuesday, June 21, at 7 p.m.

Ven. Khenpo Choephel will be sharing Phowa teachings on Saturday June 11, and the Amitayus Empowerment on Sunday June 12. Following the teachings on Saturday there will also be an opportunity for individuals to take the Bodhisattva Vow with Khenpo Choephel. The Saturday teaching will be shared on Zoom, the Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony and Sunday Amitayus Empowerment are in-person only. Sunday afternoon Amitayus practice will be shared on Zoom. The schedule is as follows:

Saturday June 11, 2022
9am-12pm: Teachings on Phowa
Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony to follow teachings – Khenpo has indicated that aspirants should bring an offering for the Three Jewels (flowers, fruit, etc)

Sunday June 12, 2022 
10am-12pm: Empowerment of Amitayus, the Buddha of Boundless Life
12-1:30pm: Sangha vegetarian potluck lunch
1:30pm-4pm:  Buddha Amitayus practice

In order to help us plan and prepare for the weekend, we ask that you please fill out this registration form and let us know which days you’ll attend. If you are able to bring a vegetarian dish or snack for lunch on Sunday, please indicate on the form. Thank you!

Suggested donation is $30 for one day or $50 for both days. Your donations will support TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round. No one will be turned away from Dharma teachings for insufficient funds. Donations may be offered at the center in the donation box or via PayPal.
Important note: the Allegheny County COVID community transmission level has recently been updated to High by the CDC. In accordance with CDC guidelines for the Highlevel of transmission, our precautions for in-person attendance are as follows:

  • Only fully vaccinated individuals may attend in-person practice
  • Masks are required.
  • High risk individuals should adhere to their health care provider’s guidance.
  • Improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces – we will run fans to provide air circulation, exhaust, and will be running a HEPA unit in the shrine room.

If the CDC lowers the Allegheny County community transmission level to Medium prior to June 11, masks will be optional.

If you come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.


Thank you for your interest and support!




TRTCC: Practice & Teachings, June 4 and 5, 2022

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang is traveling and will return for the teachings on June 11 and 12. Our schedule this week is slightly modified – there is no regular Wednesday yidam practice, Saturday morning Vajrasattva practice will be led by Ven. Khenpo Choephel, and regular Sunday morning practice will be replaced with Kenpho’s teaching on the foundational Guru Yoga practice. Our time ran short last Saturday and it is Khenpo’s generous wish to offer the teaching. Please let us know if you will be attending either day by registering here.

We’ll be sending another email soon with a registration link for the June 11 & 12 teachings and empowerment.

Saturday, June 4, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice.. Online and in person. Ven. Khenpo Choephel will lead this week’s Vajrasattva practice. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice.  Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, June 5, 10am – 1p. Guru Yoga teaching. Online and in person. Ven. Khenpo Choephel will share his knowledge and insight with us on the foundational practice of Guru Yoga. Join us on Zoom.

Important note: Allegheny County COVID community transmission level has been updated to High by the CDC. In accordance with CDC guidelines for the High level of transmission, our precautions for in-person attendance are as follows:

  • Only fully vaccinated individuals may attend in-person practice
  • Masks are required.
  • High risk individuals should adhere to their health care provider’s guidance.
  • Improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces – we will run fans to provide air circulation, exhaust, and will be running a HEPA unit in the shrine room.

If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!



TRTCC: Practice, Teachings, & Empowerment: May 25-30, 2022

Dear Dharma Friends,

Our schedule this week includes Green Tara yidam practice on Wednesday the 25th and our special Mandala Offering and Guru Yoga teachings and Medicine Buddha empowerment events on Saturday the 28th and Sunday the 29th. Following the teachings on Saturday there will also be a special opportunity for individuals to participate in a Refuge Ceremony led by Ven. Khenpo Choephel. Next Monday May 30th is our New Moon 35 Buddhas purification practice, noted below. Our regular Saturday and Sunday practices will return on June 4 & 5.

If you are planning to attend the teaching or empowerment events, please register. Your responses will help us plan and prepare for the weekend and are greatly appreciated!


Wednesday, May 25, 7pm. Green Tara Practice. Online and in person. The visualization of the deity and recitation of mantra help practitioners identify with the enlightened qualities of Green Tara, which can help overcome fears and obstacles in life. The benefit of achieving successes and happiness in life can be cultivated through this practice. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, May 28, 9am – 12pm. Mandala Offering and Guru Yoga teachings. Online and in person. Ven. Khenpo Choephel will share his knowledge and insight with us on these foundational practices. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, May 29, 10am – 4pm. Medicine Buddha Empowerment and Practice. In person only. The Medicine Buddha is considered to be the enlightened healing quality of all the Buddhas. By connecting with the Medicine Buddha we invite the potential to help ourselves, our loved ones, and all sentient beings who are ill or suffering from sickness and other obstacles. Please register here.


Monday, May 30, 7pm. 35 Buddhas New Moon purification practice. In person only. Also known as The Sutra of the Three Heaps, this is a purification and prostration practice.

Important note: Allegheny County COVID community transmission level has been updated to Medium by the CDC. In accordance with CDC guidelines for the Medium level of transmission, our precautions for in-person attendance are as follows:


  • Only fully vaccinated individuals may attend in-person practice
  • Masks are optional and very strongly recommended for high risk individuals. Your risk assessment is between your and your health care provider, so please adhere to their guidance.
  • Improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces – we will run fans to provide air circulation, exhaust, and will be running a HEPA unit in the shrine room.
  • If the community transmission level reaches High, masks will be required.

If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!



Registration for May 28-29 Teachings and Empowerment

Dear Dharma Friends,

Ven. Khenpo Choephel will be sharing Mandala Offering and Guru Yoga teachings on Saturday May 28, and the Medicine Buddha Empowerment on Sunday May 29, 2022. Following the teachings on Saturday there will also be a special opportunity for individuals to participate in a Refuge Ceremony led by Khenpo Choephel. The Saturday teaching will be shared on Zoom, the Empowerment and Refuge Ceremony are in-person only. The schedule is as follows:

Saturday May 28, 2022
9am-12pm: Teachings on Mandala Offering and Guru Yoga
Refuge Ceremony to follow teachings – Khenpo has indicated that aspirants should bring an offering for the Three Jewels (flowers, fruit, etc)

Sunday May 29, 2022 
10am-12pm: Empowerment of Medicine Buddha
12-1:30pm: Sangha vegetarian potluck lunch
1:30pm-4pm: Medicine Buddha practice

In order to help us plan and prepare for the weekend, we ask that you please fill out this registration form and let us know which days you’ll attend. If you are able to bring a vegetarian dish or snack for lunch on Sunday, please indicate on the form. Thank you!


Suggested donation is $30 for one day or $50 for both days. Your donations will support TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round. No one will be turned away from Dharma teachings for insufficient funds. Donations may be offered at the center in the donation box or via PayPal.

Important note: the Allegheny County COVID community transmission level has recently been updated to Medium by the CDC. In accordance with CDC guidelines for the Medium level of transmission, our precautions for in-person attendance are as follows:

  • Only fully vaccinated individuals may attend in-person practice
  • Masks are optional and very strongly recommended for high risk individuals. Your risk assessment is between your and your health care provider, so please adhere to their guidance.
  • Improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces – we will run fans to provide air circulation, exhaust, and will be running a HEPA unit in the shrine room.

If the CDC raises the community transmission level to High, masks will be required.

If you come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

Thank you for your interest and support!

Upcoming Practices, May 16 – 22

Dear Dharma Friends,

Our schedule this week includes Medicine Buddha full moon practice on Monday May 16th as well as our regular Wednesday yidam practice on Wednesday the 18th. Manjushri is our yidam for Wednesday evening. Our Saturday and Sunday practices remain as usual.

Important note: We are aware of the updated Allegheny County COVID community transmission level to Medium by the CDC. In accordance with CDC guidelines for the Medium level of transmission, our precautions for in-person attendance are as follows:

  • Only fully vaccinated individuals may attend in-person practice
  • Masks are optional and very strongly recommended for high risk individuals. Your risk assessment is between your and your health care provider, so please adhere to their guidance.
  • Improved ventilation throughout indoor spaces – we will run fans to provide air circulation, exhaust, and will be running a HEPA unit in the shrine room.

If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Monday, May 16, 7pm. Medicine Buddha Full Moon practice. In person and online. As a spiritual support for all people affected by this global pandemic, this is a practice to connect us to the healing power of the Medicine Buddha. Join us on Zoom.


Wednesday, May 18, 7pm. Manjushri Practice. Online and in person. Manjushri is the embodiment of perfect wisdom, which helps us cut through our ignorance and delusion. In our practice we aspire to embody all the best qualities of the yidam. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, May 21, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.



Sunday, May 22, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice. Join us on Zoom.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices, May 11 – 15

Dear Dharma Friends,

This Wednesday, May 11, we will defer our regular weekly yidam practice for an all-day White Zambhala Fortune Box ritual that will be conducted by Khenpo Choephel and Lama Kalsang. The ritual will take place between 10am and 7pm and is open to all. You may arrive at any point during the day and stay as long as you like. We just ask that attendees be aware that there is a ritual in process and enter / leave quietly and respectfully.

Our Saturday and Sunday practices remain as usual.

We ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, May 11, 10am – 7pm. White Zambhala Fortune Box Ritual. In person only. 

This ritual is to benefit all sentient beings and bring the union of life and prosperity. It summons long life, prosperity, the power of the five elements, the power of gods, Nagas, Yakshas, kings & queens, good food, drinks, clothing so and so forth… from all directions and the three worlds. Offerings will be consecrated in a box or a bag called an auspicious fortune box and blessings also consecrated into attendees. This is important for our communities and enriches prosperity and a happy long life. Please note: The ritual will be conducted solely in Tibetan and as such there will be no translation to English and no English text to follow.


Saturday, May 14, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, May 15, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice. Join us on Zoom.



White Zambhala Fortune Box Ritual – Wed. May 11, 10a – 7p

Khenpo Choephel and Lama Kalsang will conduct the White Zambhala Fortune Box ritual at the center on May 11, 10a – 7p, in person only.

This ritual is to benefit all sentient beings and bring the union of life and prosperity. It summons long life, prosperity, the power of the five elements, the power of gods, Nagas, Yakshas, kings & queens, good food, drinks, clothing so and so forth… from all directions and the three worlds. Offerings will be consecrated in a box or a bag called an auspicious fortune box and blessings also consecrated into attendees.

This is important for our communities and enriches prosperity and a happy long life.

Please note: The ritual will be conducted solely in Tibetan and as such there will be no translation to English and no English text to follow. You may arrive or depart at any time during the ritual, and we ask that attendees be aware that there is a ritual in process and enter / leave quietly and respectfully.

Donations may be offered at the center in the donation box or via PayPal.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices, May 4 – 8

Dear Dharma Friends,

With Venerable Khenpo Choephel having returned from Nepal, there will be a few changes to our schedule. Introduction to Practice on Tuesdays and Basic Buddhism on Thursdays will both be on spring break beginning this week. All other practices will remain as usual.

We ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, May 4, 7pm. Chenrezig Practice. Online and in person. Chenrezig is the embodiment of universal compassion. This yidam practice focuses on the cultivation of compassionate qualities and activities in all of us. Join us on Zoom.


Saturday, May 7, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, May 8, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice. Join us on Zoom.




TRTCC Upcoming Practices, April 26 – May 1

Dear Dharma Friends,

Due to Lama Kalsang’s travel, there will be no Wednesday evening yidam practice this week. All other practices are as regularly scheduled. For a general overview of our weekly practices please see the Our Practices page on the website.

We ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. If you do come in for a practice, please be mindful of your neighbors and allow spacing between yourselves. If you do not feel well for any reason, please do not attend in person. Please see our Covid Policy on the website for details.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Tuesday, April 26, 7pm, Introduction to Practice.  Online only. This informal class offers an introduction to the center’s practices and to meditation in our lineage. It would be helpful to read this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism before class. Join us on Zoom.

Thursday, April 28, 7pm, Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study. Online only. The subject of study is action bodhicitta, in the form of The Six Paramitas. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, April 30, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, May 1, 10 am.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva and Om Ah Hung practice and meditation. Join us on Zoom.