TRTCC Upcoming Practices: January 24 -29

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang is currently on his way to Nepal for a several week stay — while he is traveling our practices are modified. Wednesday evening Yidam practice is on pause until his return and Sunday morning practice will not include Achi Chokyi Drolma.

Looking ahead a few weeks, we will be working on cleaning up the center for Losar immediately following the practices on Saturday Feb. 18 and Sunday Feb. 19. Volunteers are welcome!

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Tuesday, January 24, 7pm, Introduction to Practice. Online only. This seven-week class introduces the general structure of practice and the meaning of the foundational invocations of practice in our lineage. Each class will also include basic instruction in shamatha meditation. It would be helpful to read this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism before class. Join us on Zoom.
Thursday, January 26, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, January 28, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, January 29, 10 am.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice, and meditation.   Join us on Zoom.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices: January 17 – 22

Dear Dharma Friends,

While Lama Kalsang is traveling our practices are modified. Wednesday evening Yidam practice is on pause until his return and Sunday morning practice will not include Achi Chokyi Drolma.

This week the Introduction to Practice class returns to the schedule on Tuesday evenings, online only.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Tuesday, January 17, 7pm, Introduction to Practice. Online only. This seven-week class introduces the general structure of practice and the meaning of the foundational invocations of practice in our lineage. Each class will also include basic instruction in shamatha meditation. It would be helpful to read this short introduction to Tibetan Buddhism before class. Join us on Zoom.
Thursday, January 19, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, January 21, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, January 22, 10 am.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice, and meditation.   Join us on Zoom.



TRTCC Upcoming Practices: January 12 – 15

Dear Dharma Friends,

While Lama Kalsang is traveling our practices will be slightly modified. Wednesday evening Yidam practice will be on hiatus until his return and Sunday morning practice will not include Achi Chokyi Drolma.

Next week the Introduction to Practice class returns to the schedule on Tuesday evenings, online only. This class introduces the general structure of practice and the meaning of the foundational invocations of practice, including such topics as bodhicitta, refuge, and The Four Immeasurables.  Each class will also include basic instruction in shamatha meditation.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Thursday, January 12, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, January 14, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, January 15, 10 am.  Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice, and meditation.   Join us on Zoom.



TRTCC Upcoming Practices: January 4 – 8

Dear Dharma Friends,

Tashi Delek and Happy New Year! All practices this week are as usually scheduled. Our Wednesday evening yidam practice is Medicine Buddha.

Reminder: on January 9th Lama Kalsang will travel to Chicago for an Achi Chokyi Drolma Fulfillment Ritual with H.E. Tritsab Rinpoche, then to Lama Sonam’s center in Boston on the 17th. On January 23rd he will depart for Nepal for approximately 6 weeks.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, January 4, 7pm. Medicine Buddha Practice. Online and in person. This practice is for the benefit of those who are ill or in need of healing, purification, and general success. Join us on Zoom.


Thursday, January 5, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, January 7, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, January 8, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice.   Join us on Zoom.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices December 28 – January 1

Dear Dharma Friends,

All practices this week are as usually scheduled. Our Wednesday evening yidam practice is Manjushri.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, December 28, 7pm. Manjushri Practice. Online and in person. Manjushri is the embodiment of perfect wisdom, which helps us cut through our ignorance, attachment, and delusion. Join us on Zoom.

Thursday, December 29, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, December 31, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, January 1, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice.   Join us on Zoom.

TRTCC Upcoming Practices December 21- 25

Dear Dharma Friends,

Practices this week are on a slightly different schedule. Our Wednesday evening yidam practice is Green Tara. Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th will both be Chenrezig / Mani practice, with Tsok included on Sunday only. The Saturday and Sunday Chenrezig practices coincide with the Annual Mani Drubchen at Rinchen Ling Monastery.

Looking ahead to 2023, on January 9th Lama Kalsang will travel to Chicago for an Achi Chokyi Drolma Fulfillment Ritual with H.E. Tritsab Rinpoche, then to Lama Sonam’s center in Boston on the 17th. On January 23rd he will depart for Nepal for approximately 6 weeks.

While Lama Kalsang is away, our Wednesday yidam practice will be on hiatus, and Sunday practice will not include Achi Chokyi Drolma.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, December 21, 7pm. Green Tara Practice. Online and in person. Green Tara, the meditation deity in female form, embodies the wisdom energies of compassionate fearlessness. This yidam practice is for us to cultivate the connection to this feminine energy of compassion and wisdom through visualization and chanting. Join us on Zoom.

Thursday, December 22, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, December 24, 9am. Chenrezig Practice. Online and in person. Chenrezig is the embodiment of universal compassion. This yidam practice focuses on the cultivation of compassionate qualities and activities in all of us. Join us on Zoom.

Sunday, December 25, 10 am. Chenrezig Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include Tsok offering. If you wish to participate in the tsok offering you are welcome to bring some fruit or cookies for the occasion. There are no prerequisites or prior experience required to participate.   Join us on Zoom.



TRTCC Upcoming Practices, December 14 – 18

Dear Dharma Friends,

All practices this week are as usually scheduled. Our Wednesday evening yidam practice is Chenrezig.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, December 14, 7pm. Chenrezig Practice. Online and in person. Chenrezig is the embodiment of universal compassion. This yidam practice focuses on the cultivation of compassionate qualities and activities in all of us. Join us on Zoom.

Thursday, December 15, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, December 17, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, December 18, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice.   Join us on Zoom.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices, December 7 – 11

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang has returned from traveling and all practices this week are as usual. The full moon is on Wednesday, and our practice will be Medicine Buddha.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Wednesday, December 7, 7pm. Medicine Buddha Practice. Online and in person. This practice is for the benefit of those who are ill or in need of healing, purification, and general success. Join us on Zoom.


Thursday, December 8, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, December 10, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, December 11, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice.   Join us on Zoom.


TRTCC Upcoming Practices, December 1 – 4

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang is currently traveling and will return to Pittsburgh on Thursday December 1st. There will be no Wednesday yidam practice this week, but our Thursday Tea Break and regular Saturday and Sunday practices are scheduled as usual.

Please note: the CDC has listed our community transmission level as low, and masks are optional for our in person practices at the center. We do ask that only fully vaccinated people come in to the center. We will be running the air purifier in the common area. If you are not feeling well, please join us online.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!

Thursday, December 1, 7pm, Evening Tea Break. Online only. A time just to talk about dharma with dharma friends. Beginners are very welcome. Join us on Zoom.

Saturday, December 3, 9am. Vajrasattva Practice. Online and in person. This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views by invoking the yidam Vajrasattva in a meditative visualization practice. Join us on Zoom.


Sunday, December 4, 10 am. Achi Chokyi Drolma Practice. Online and in person. Practice will include recitation of the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva, Om Ah Hung practice and meditation, and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice.  Join us on Zoom.

Passing Of H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche, Practices On Break Nov 23 – Dec 1

Dear Dharma Friends,

Lama Kalsang is traveling to New York City for a short retreat and will be returning on December 1st. Our center’s regular Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday practices for this week and Thursday Evening Tea Break are paused. We wish for all a very Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.

In some sad news, H.E. Lho Ontul Rinpoche passed into parinirvana early in the morning on Sunday, November 20th at the age of 72. He had most recently visited our center in April of 2019, and granted the empowerment and teachings for the Ruby Garland Buddha Amitabha at that time.

Rinpoche was born in 1950 in Eastern Tibet, and had received Mahamudra and Dzogchen teachings from many great masters and yogis: H.H. Dalai Lama, H.H. Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Yogi Pachung Rinpoche, Polu Khenchen Dorje, Ven. Khunu Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen, Kyabje Kalu Rinpoche, Khenpo Khedrup Rinpoche and others. Rinpoche’s great strength as a dharma teacher was described by H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche as being “like a mountain in the ocean.”


In sharing the news of Rinpoche’s passing, Lama Mark Weber of the Namgyal Yangzab Buddhist Community of Canada offered this:

This morning a great, wondrous being, our beloved Lama Lho Ontul Rinpoche passed away into the clear light of mind for all.

Lho Ratna Rinpoche has let us know that Rinpoche is presently in Thukdam, abiding in a deep meditative quality with auspicious signs. All his family is with him. Our deep condolences.

For those with a connection to Ontul Rinpoche, now is an important time to meditate and allow our minds to merge with our Lama’s mind. Let’s all take time to meditate together in his energy of luminous awakeness.

This most amazing being has brought so many gifts, both temporal and absolute, such great love to so many of us. No words can express my deep sorrow for his passing on and simultaneously great joy as we experience this extraordinary release into the light of awakeness. He will always be in our hearts, leading us on to liberation.

I am sure that soon Ratna Rinpoche and Lho Bongtrul Rinpoche at Lho Lungkar monastery will make an official announcement and that all matters will be auspiciously and beatifically directed by these wise teachers.

With deep love and an ocean of gratitude for Rinpoche’s love for us all.

May the illumination of wisdom teachings shine through all obscurations of our mind, and may our practices be beneficial to all beings!