Two International Drikung Kagyu Online Events this weekend

November 6, 7, & 8    TREASURY OF SIDDHIS— 2nd International Medicine Buddha Retreat led by H.E. Drikung Tritsab Gyabra rinpoche.

To register and have a glimpse of their schedules:

Friday, 11/6, 8:30–10:30 PM (EST)
: His Eminence gives the reading-transmission (lung) for the Medicine Buddha Sadhana, Treasury of Siddhis.

Sunday, 11/8, 7:00–9:00 AM (EST)
CLOSING SESSION: Tsok-Offering & Dedication






International Drikung Kagyu Council
Saturday, 11/7/2020
8:30 am. – 10:00 am. EST

Virtual LIVE Program of Lhabab Düchen & 79th Birthday Celebration of H.H. the Drikung Kyabgon Chokyi Nangwa, with Praise Of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha and Guru Yoga Tsok Offering.

The event will be graciously led by :
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
H. E. Choje Togdan Rinpoche
H.E. Choje Ayang Rinpoche
H.E. Nupa Rinpoche
H.E. Ontrul Rinpoche
Most Ven. Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen
Most Ven. Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen
Tulkus, Khenpos, Dorzins, Drubpons, Lobpons and general sangha members will also participate.

Facebook Live:



Sunday, 11/8/2020, 10:00am Vajrasattva Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 11/8/2020, 10:00am Vajrasattva Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 11/8, at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Vajrasattva Practice.  This is a foundational and ongoing training to purify our negative actions, mental disturbances, harmful tendencies and mistaken views.  The sadhana text will be available when you join our Zoom meeting.  Please join us:
Every Saturday at 10am, we offer the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study.  Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with the topic on the Paramitas. To join our Saturday meeting:
Every Tuesday at 7pm, is the Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley. This six-week class is intended to give beginners the foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.  There will be no meetings on 10/27, 11/3, and 11/10. The next six-week series of classes will begin on November 17th .  To join our Tuesday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  One of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.  To join any Wednesday practice:
**Upcoming TRTCC Online Teaching:  Saturday & Sunday,
December 5-6, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
The Dance of Anger and Wisdom with Ven. Khenmo Drolma

“May all sentient beings, especially those enemies who hate me, obstructors who harm me… have happiness…  May I swiftly establish them in perfect and precious Buddhahood.”  Lord Jigten Sumgon’s direct pointing out of the very purpose of practice, begins every session.  Our dance with an enemy, the arising of anger and confusion, can become our source of equanimity and path of bodhicitta.  Using Shantideva’s timeless wisdom and profound sutra instructions, Khenmo Drolma will explore how to take this simple prayer to heart and live it as a continuous practice.  Khenmo Drolma’s Bio:


Daughters of the Buddha 11/7, 7-9pm EST, Online Event

Daughters of the Buddha Online Event with Khenmo Drolma, Abbess of Vajra Dakini Nunnery

Celebrating Lha Bab Duchen with a message from H.E. Tritsab Gyabra Rinpoche
and the nuns of Samtenling Nunnery

Saturday, 11/7, 7-9 pm EST

Register at:

Khenmo Drolma’s bio:

Prof Alison Melnick Dyer’s Bio:

Books by Wendy Garling:

The Woman Who Raised The Buddha

Stars at Dawn; Forgotten Stories of Women in the Buddha’s Life

Reference for Ayya Santacitta’s talk:  The First Free Women







Sunday, 11/1/2020, 10:00am Medicine Buddha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 11/1/2020, 10:00am Medicine Buddha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 11/1 at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Medicine Buddha Practice online. As a spiritual support for all people affected by this global pandemic, this is a practice to connect us to the healing power of the Medicine Buddha.  The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with the topic on the Paramitas. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, is the Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley. This six-week class is intended to give beginners the foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.  There will be no meeting on 10/27, and 11/3. The next six-week series of classes will begin on November 10th .  To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  One of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.  To join any Wednesday practice:
The Thursday 7:00 p.m. meeting: Dharma Text Study has been cancelled.

Sunday, Achi Drolma Online Practice with smoke offering 10/25/2020

This Sunday, 10/25/2020, 10:00am Achi Chökyi Drölma Online Practice with smoke offering led by Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 10/25 at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Achi Chökyi Drölma Practice online with a smoke offering ritual. The name Archi means “Grandmother” in Tibetan.  She is revered as the great female dharma protector of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and its practitioners.  The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.

Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with the topic on the Paramitas. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, is the Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley. This six-week class is intended to give beginners the foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.  There will be no meeting on 10/27, and 11/3. The next six-week series of classes will begin on November 10th .  To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  One of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.  To join any Wednesday practice:
The Thursday 7:00 p.m. meeting: Dharma Text Study has been cancelled.

Sunday, 10/18/2020, Green Tara Online Practice

Sunday, 10/18/2020, 10:00am Green Tara Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 10/18, at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Green Tara Practice online.  Tara, the meditation deity in female forms, embodies the wisdom energies of compassionate fearlessness.  This practice is for us to cultivate the connection to this wisdom energy. The Green Tara practice text will be available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us this Sunday.  Zoom meeting link:

Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with the topic on the Paramitas. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, is the Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley. This six-week class is intended to give beginners the foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.  The next six-week series of classes will begin on 10/27.  To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  Starting on 10/7, one of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.  To join any Wednesday practice:
Every Thursday at 7pm the Dharma Text Study meeting will start on Zoom. Led by Thomas Horn, participants will read from Shantideva’s The Way of The Bodhisattva and discuss the text. It is open to people of all levels.  To join any Thursday practice:

Sunday 10/11/2020, Amitabha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Sunday, 10/11/2020, 10:00am Buddha Amitabha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang


This Sunday, 10/11, at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Buddha Amitabha Practice online.  Amitabha means “Infinite Light”, or “Boundless Illumination”.  This meditation deity’s prayers are often chanted for taking rebirth in Sukhavati (Dewachen), the pure land of great peace.  The sadhana text will be available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us this Sunday.

Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with the topic on the Paramitas. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, is the Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley. This six-week class is intended to give beginners the foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.  The next six-week series of classes will begin on 10/27.  To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  Starting on 10/7, one of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.  To join any Wednesday practice:
Every Thursday at 7pm the Dharma Text Study meeting will start on Zoom. Led by Thomas Horn, participants will read from Shantideva’s The Way of The Bodhisattva and discuss the text. It is open to people of all levels.  To join any Thursday practice:

Sunday, 10/4, Chenrezig Practice Online with Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 10/4/2020, 10:00am Chenrezig Online Practice led by Ven. Lama Kalsang


This Sunday, 10/4, at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Chenrezig Practice online.  Chenrezig is the embodiment of universal compassion.  This is a practice that focuses on the cultivation of compassionate qualities and activities in all of us.  The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.

Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with their discussion of the Paramitas. Here is a list of the Paramita texts to be used. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, a new opportunity for beginners, Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley, will meet on Zoom. This meeting is informal and interactive that offers an introduction to practice, philosophy and meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, with the aim of providing a basic foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.
To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Thursday at 7pm the Dharma Text Study meeting will start on Zoom. Led by Thomas Horn, participants will read from Shantideva’s The Way of The Bodhisattva and discuss the text. It is open to people of all levels.
To join any Thursday practice:
Every Wednesday at 7pm:  Starting next Wednesday 10/7, one of our sangha members, Keith Romig, will host this open meditation session. This will be a time of silent meditation while also providing fellowship with other practitioners. It’s open to anyone, with any level of experience.
To join any Wednesday practice:

This Sunday, 9/27/2020, 10:00am Vajrasattva Online Practice led by Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 9/27/2020, 10:00am Vajrasattva Online Practice led by Ven. Lama Kalsang


This Sunday, 9/27 at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Vajrasattva Practice.  It is a powerful method for purifying our obscurations, confusion and negativity.  The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.
Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study class with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with their discussion of the Paramitas. Here is a list of the Paramita texts to be used. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, a new class for beginners, Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley, will meet on Zoom. This will be an informal and interactive class that will offer an introduction to practice, philosophy and meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, with the aim of providing a basic foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.
To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Thursday at 7pm the Dharma Text Study class will start on Zoom. Led by Thomas Horn, the class will read from Shantideva’s The Way of The Bodhisattva and discuss the text. No required reading to join this class, and it is open to people of all levels.
To join any Thursday practice:

Sunday 9/20, Achi Practice online with Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 9/20/2020, 10:00am Achi Chökyi Drölma Online Practice with smoke offering led by Ven. Lama Kalsang

This Sunday, 9/20 at 10am, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Achi Chökyi Drölma Practice online with a smoke offering ritual. The name Archi means “Grandmother” in Tibetan.  She is revered as the great female dharma protector of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and its practitioners.  The sadhana text will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting. Please join us.
Every Saturday at 10am, the Basic Buddhism: Practice and Study class with Lama Kalsang and Jonnie Viakley will continue with their discussion of the Paramitas. Here is a list of the Paramita texts to be used. To participate, please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information.
Every Tuesday at 7pm, a new class for beginners, Introduction to Practice, led by Jonnie Viakley, will meet on Zoom. This will be an informal and interactive class that will offer an introduction to practice, philosophy and meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, with the aim of providing a basic foundation for moving into regular practices at TRTCC.
To join any Tuesday meeting:
Every Thursday at 7pm the Dharma Text Study class will start on Zoom. Led by Thomas Horn, the class will read from Shantideva’s The Way of The Bodhisattva and discuss the text. No required reading to join this class, and it is open to people of all levels.
To join any Thursday practice: