Medicine Buddha Practice, Sunday July 19, Basic Buddhism Practice, Saturday July 18, All Online

Sunday, 7/19/2020, Medicine Buddha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in our area, our plan to reopen our center for in-person practice will be postponed.
Our resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Medicine Buddha practice online this coming Sunday, 7/19/2020, at 10am.
Meeting ID: 822 3627 5800
Password: 529493
Saturday, 7/18/2020 Basic Buddhism, also led by Ven. Lama Kalsang
Please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information for Saturday.



Online Only, Chenrezig Practice, Sunday, 7/12/2020, & Basic Buddhism Practice & Learning, Saturday 7/11/2020

Sunday, 7/12/2020, Chenrezig Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in our area, our plan to reopen our center for in-person practice will be postponed.
Our resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead the Chenrezig practice online this coming Sunday, 7/12/2020, at 10am.
Meeting ID: 848 8911 8011
Password: 869572
Saturday, 7/11/2020 Basic Buddhism
Please contact Jonnie at to get the meeting information for Saturday.



Opening Saturday Practice & Sunday, Amitayus Practice for HH Dalai Lama’s 85th Birthday Celebration

Sunday, 7/5/2020, Amitayus Practice Celebrating H.H. Dalai Lama’s 85th Birthday

On this coming Sunday, July 5, at 10 am, Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center will have Amitayus practice, the Buddha of Boundless Life,  led by Ven. Lama Kalsang, to celebrate His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 85th birthday,
We will open the center for up to 8 people to attend in person, and we will not be able to serve any food or drinks. To reserve your place please email  To attend online please use this link. /j/83397021367?pwd=RW01NkF2bGljNnNVbnNIckhUSG5BUT09″
In order for us to maintain a safe environment for all coming to practice we ask everyone to observe social distancing of at least 6 feet of space between individuals.  Everyone is required to wear a face mask and to refrain from hugs and handshakes.  If you have any symptoms, feel unwell, or have any underlying medical conditions, please participate online until you feel confident you are not contagious to others or you feel safe coming to the center.
Here is a link to our new policies regarding practicing during the pandemic.  Please review them before attending practices in person.
Thank you for your continual support during this difficult time.
**If you are planning to attend our Saturday practice please contact Jonnie at to reserve your spot in person or get the zoom information.

TRTCC Statement On Racial Justice

Dharma Guidance
Regarding Racial Justice

June 16, 2020

To our beloved community,

We grieve the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery which were extremely disturbing. They are only the latest victims in a long line of deaths of African Americans at the hands of police or racist whites; and there are many more whose deaths have not been publicized. These three incidents shine a clear light on the prejudice and danger that our Black Communities are forced to face on a daily basis. For hundreds of years Black Americans have been made to live as second class citizens and denied full participation in American society. For many of us, it’s hard to fathom the pain that they go through on a daily basis.

The Buddha taught that just as the sun shines on all beings without discrimination, so should we shine our loving kindness and compassion on all without any exceptions or qualifications. The Buddha also taught that we should always equip our compassion with wisdom. To develop wisdom, we must train our mind to see through our own concealed biases, hatred, and fear. Being able to see them clearly enables us to take responsible actions to amend them.

The way forward must be guided by loving kindness towards all.  Life is precious.  Black lives matter.

Our condolences go to the families and friends of all who have lost a loved one to racist violence, including the family of Antwon Rose who lived less than a mile from our center. This violence impacts us all and needs to end. We grieve and stand with you all in this struggle for equality and dignity.

We strive to work together with all our might towards the goals that all beings live in peace and happiness, that all be free from suffering.

With loving kindness,



Sunday, 6/21/2020, Medicine Buddha Practice

Sunday, 6/21/2020, Medicine Buddha Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center online practice this coming Sunday, June 21st, will start at 10am.
The text to be used for this sadhana will be made available when you join our Zoom meeting, which will begin at 9:30am.
Our resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang will again lead the Medicine Buddha practice.

Reminder: Drikung Kagyu Monlam Online Sunday, 6/14/2020

Drikung Kagyu Monlam Online
Sunday, 6/14/2020

11:00am – 1:00pm, 4:00pm – 6:00pm
(Eastern Daylight Time)

Led By His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche will give teachings in between prayer sessions.

To download the practice materials please click here:

To watch the event:  (During the event, please go to LIVE.)






Sunday, 6/7/2020, Chenrezig Online Practice

Sunday, 6/7/2020, Chenrezig Online Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang


Chenrezig is the great Bodhisattva of Compassion.  Ven. Lama Kalsang will again lead the Chenrezig practice on Sunday, June 7th, at 10am.
The text to be used for this sadhana will be available online.  Check-in will begin at 9:30am.