All TRTCC practices will be cancelled until at least the END OF APRIL

March 30, 2020

Out of concerns for the current development of COVID-19 outbreak, and the need for social distancing for practitioners at our center, all our regular practices at TRTCC will be cancelled until at least the END OF APRIL.

We encourage you to continue your daily practice at home, maintain your calm awareness, and persevere with wise actions for the welfare of yourself and others during this difficult time.

Social distancing is a privilege.  Online connection is also a privilege.  They are not accessible by all.  Keep those less-fortunate people in mind while we practice. 

May all be healthy and well.


Practice with love and compassion and a heart advice from our teachers……

Tara Mantra Practice Instruction




TRTCC resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang shares this image of instruction from the Heart Advice of Lord Jigten Sumgon on the practice of  Tara mantra.  He said reciting this as much as we can is good practice.



Parnashavari Sadhana For Home Practice

Lama Kalsang has also shared with us a newly translated practice text for the Parnashavari sadhana and a letter from H.H. Chetsang Rinpoche (Konchog Tenzin Kunsang Thrinle Lhundrup) about the importance of this practice.  The text is taken from Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon’s collections.  Rinpoche said that this sadhana requires everyone to practice it with love and compassion.

A sangha member has found a link to a short oral transmission of Chetsang Rinpoche about this practice in Tibetan, so here we have the link included.  Please always remember the meaning of Bodhicitta when you take on this practice.

Here is also a link to download the World Peace Prayer.

May our efforts benefit all.

May our center and all spiritual refuge places near or far be open for practitioners soon.





Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at:

7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218



Our center will be closed for 2 weeks..

Out of concerns for the current development of COVID-19 outbreak, and the need for social distancing for practitioners at our center, as of now, all our regular practices at TRTCC will be cancelled until the end of March.

We encourage you to continue your daily practice at home, maintain your calm awareness, and persevere with wise actions for the welfare of yourself and others during this difficult time.

We send you our best wishes.
May all be healthy and well.


Medicine Buddha Practice Full-Moon Day Monday Mar 9 at 7PM

Full-Moon Day Medicine Buddha Practice

with TRTCC Teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang

Monday, 3/9/2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Monday, March 9, is a full-moon day.  As a regular monthly practice we will have a Medicine Buddha Practice at 7 p.m. guided by our resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang.

For all who have a sincere intention to be connected with the healing energy of Medicine Buddha, here are a few things to keep in mind:  We start each practice with sitting down quietly and letting go of whatever distractions that may come into our mind, then taking refuge in the three jewels– Buddha (the enlightened teacher), Dharma (the enlightening teaching), and Sangha (the community of practitioners), and affirming our Bodhicitta intention.  Bodhicitta is the pure aspiration to achieve the awakened state through skillful and compassionate actions to help all beings be liberated from their pain and cycles of suffering.   For the Medicine Buddha practice, the aspiration is to purify the physical and mental illnesses of all beings, who are, in whatever way it may have presented, connected with our lives.  Ven. Lama Kalsang will be guiding us on how to practice this, with a final dedication to return all merits back to all beings.




Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at:

7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218



Tibetan New Year Special Achi Practice Wednesday 2/25/2020

Special Achi Practice with Ven. Lama Kalsang for LOSAR

Wednesday, 2/26/2020. 10am

On the third day of LOSAR we will have a special Achi practice at 10am.  The name Achi Chokyi Drolma means “Grandmother, Savior of the Dharma” in Tibetan. Being the great grandmother of Lord Jigten Sumgon, Achi is the great female protector of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and its practitioners. She is revered by many as an emanation of Vajrayogini, Tara, and the Wisdom Dakini of the Five Buddha families, who can display a limitless number of manifestations at different times and in different space dimensions for the benefits of all beings in samsara.

Our resident teacher, Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead this special practice for new blessings, protections, and the swift removal of all obstacles on our path for the new year.  Here is an image taken during our LOSAR celebration on Sunday, 2/23/2020, at our newly renovated altar room.  It is a labor of love from Lama Kalsang and many supporting sangha members.  Thank you to all who have contributed to this effort.   May it benefit all!





Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218



LOSAR Celebration February 23 & 26

Tibetan New Year ལོ་གསར

Losar Celebration at TRTCC

Special Guru Yoga Practice with Tsok (Food Offering)

Sunday, February 23, 2020, 10am-noon

On Sunday, February 23rd, our resident teacher Ven. Lama Kalsang will be leading the Losar celebration with a Guru Yoga Practice followed by a new year lunch with traditional Tibetan festive food like Momos, Tibetan dumplings, Khapse, deep-fried twisted dough, and Dresil, sweet rice, for this special occasion.

Lama Kalsang has also been working on decorating the center with his colorful tormas, ceremonial butter cakes for offering.


The first day of Losar is on Monday, February 24, this year.  On the third day of the new year, Wednesday morning, February 26th, Lama Kalsang will lead the Achi Practice at 10 a.m. with a traditional smoke offering.




All sangha members and friends of TRTCC are welcome to join us on either day of these celebrations.  Please let us know if you are planning to attend the Sunday lunch so we can be more prepared to serve you.  Please continue to support Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center by making a donation.


Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218



Drikung Kagyu Nga Choe Monlam New York City June 13-15, 2020

The 7th U.S. Drikung Kagyu
Nga Choe Monlam

June 13-15, 2020

Guided By His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche

Entrance Free + Vegetarian Lunch

Venue:  Tibetan Community Center – Phuntsok Deshe
57-12 Tibet Way, 32nd Ave, Woodside, NY 11377

Garchen Buddhist Institute:

For a listing of Garchen Rinpoche’s online teaching videos:





May the entire world enjoy abundant happiness and wealth!

May the causes of harm and violence throughout the world be swiftly pacified and vanquished from their very roots.

May the minds of all be filled with love for one another!



Happy New Year

Happy New Year!


May the causes of harm and violence throughout the world be swiftly pacified and vanquished from their very roots.

May the minds of all be filled with love for one another!



Our center will remain open during the holidays through the New Year

TRTCC will remain open during the holidays through the New Year

We wish you wonderful celebrations during this winter holiday season.

Our resident teacher Lama Kalsang will continue to lead our regular practices during the winter holidays at Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center.




May the entire world enjoy abundant happiness and wealth!



Buddha Amitayus Practice Saturday and Sunday Morning Dec 14, 15


Saturday and Sunday, December 14 & 15, 2019

with Ven. Lama Kalsang

Ven. Lama Kalsang will lead two special Buddha Amitayus practices on Saturday and Sunday morning, December 14 & 15, instead of our regular weekend practices.
Amitayus, Buddha of Boundless Life, is regarded as the Sambhogakaya aspect of Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Boundless Light.  In the traditional Tibetan tanka images, Amitayus is often depicted as red in color as the rays of rising sun, seated in a meditation posture, holding a long life vase filled with the elixir of immortality.  “Boundless Life” refers to his blessings and virtue.
The format of both practices on Saturday and Sunday will be the same, so you can either come on Saturday or Sunday, or both.  There will be a food offering ritual (TSOK) during the practice. If you wish to participate in the tsok offering you are welcome to bring some fruit or little cookies for the occasion.  The Amitayus Retreat text will be used for this practice.  No prerequisite or prior experience is required to participate.  Lama Kalsang also mentioned that if you have a ritual item “Datta” as shown in this picture you are welcome to bring it to the practice.

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, Dec 14 & 15

10:00am – 11:30am Buddha Amitayus Practice with food offering




Please make a donation to support the continuation of TRTCC’s teaching programs and cultural events.  Thank you so much for your kindness!  May it benefit all.

No one will be turned away because of insufficient funds.



Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center is located at:

7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218