Outdoor Meditation and Picnic in the Park Sunday Oct 15

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center’s Picnic Practice at Frick Park

with Venerable Khenpo Choephel

Sunday, October 15, 2017, 10am-12:30pm


  • Parking is plenty on Beechwood Blvd.
  • Enter at Beechwood and Nicolson Street (the Blue Slide Park of Frick Park)
  • Walk straight along the main road (Riverview Trail)
  • When seeing the big Riverview Trail sign on your left, DO NOT go down onto that trail but continue a few more yards and walk up a grassy slope. Our destination (the red circled area on the map — click here to download: Frick Park TRTCC Picnic direction ) is at the top of the slope with a wide open view on a flat grassy high ground.
  • The total walking time from entrance to destination shou(ld be about 10-15 min. (We will put up a sign to direct you.)
  • Practice will start at 10am, and plan to be there a little earlier to get settled in first.
  • Bring what you need to make a seat on the grass— mats, cushions, a picnic blanket, folding chairs, etc. or just simply sit on the grass, and wear comfortable clothing.
  • Wear a hat if you don’t want too much sun. Bring your water bottle.
  • Bring some picnic food that’s easy to carry: fruit, crackers, sandwiches, trail mix, nuts, etc.
  • ALL ARE WELCOME. Encourage or bring your family or friends to practice with us.

Jigten Sumgön’s “Bestowed Words of Essential Point”

Teaching on Lord Jigten Sumgön’s “Bestowed Words of Essential Point

by Venerable Khenpo Choephel

Sunday, October 8, 2017, 10am-noon, 2pm-5pm

Lord Jigten Sumgön Ratna Shri (1143-1217) is the founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage and one of the most accomplished teachers and scholars of the lineage.  This year marks the 800th anniversary of his passing.  To commemorate his great achievements TRTCC‘s spiritual director venerable Khenpo Choephel will give a special teaching on the “Bestowed Words of Essential Point” based on the collected teachings of Jigten Sumgön written in Tibetan.

According to the comments of His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön’s teachings were “his personal and direct experience shared with his closest disciples.”  They were continuation of the wisdom teachings of the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni through the Drikung Kagyu lineage masters: Great Marpa Lotsa, Milarapa, Lord Gompopa and Pakmodrupa.

You are all invited to join us on October 8th for this teaching event and celebration.

To download a flyer: Jigten Sumgon Oct8 2017 flyer


We are very fortunate to have this lineage of teachings passed down to us and are still able to benefit from them decades later.  To express our gratitude towards our many precious teachers and to support the 800th Commemoration event, TRTCC will make some special collections to be sent to the Jangchubling Monastery, the main seat of the Drikung Kagyu organization, with a member who is traveling to the occasion.  For more information on this please look at The LJS 800 commemoration prepared by one of our board members.

As always, your donations to our center will help to sustain TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural events year round.  We are a charitable non-profit organization and do not charge admission fees for attending our teaching events but rely solely on your voluntary donations.  We appreciate your support to further our mission to cultivate compassion and wisdom through Tibetan Buddhist teachings and meditation practices.

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center  is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218


Vipasyana Meditation #3 August 27, 2017

Continuation on Vipasyana Meditation

by Venerable Khenpo Choephel

Sunday, August 27, 10am-12pm, 1:30-4:30pm

VIPASYANA is a meditation method that cultivates special insight or excellent seeing.

According to Ven. Khenpo Choephel, Vipasyana Meditation is the concentrative method that can conquer wild mind, overcome afflictive emotions and uproot sorrow. One can find ultimate inner peace and realize perfect wisdom with this practice, so it is most important to take on this practice again and again until the ultimate accomplishment of seeing one’s true nature is reached.

This is the third Vipasyana Meditation teaching by Khenpo Choephel.  It will be held on Sundays, August 27, 2017 at Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center


This teaching is free. Your donations will help to sustain TRTCC’s many teaching and cultural activities.

To download a flyer for this event: Vipasyana Meditation Aug27 flyer

TRTCC is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218

An Introduction to Tibetan Medicine, July 29, 2017

Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center presents:

An Introduction to Tibetan Medicine

Saturday, July 29, 2017

at the Carnegie Free Library of SWISSVALE

10am – 12pm
A Brief History of Tibetan Medicine and Healing System, Theories and Practices, Mind-Body Connection, and Etiology of Diseases and Disorders
2pm – 3pm
Causes, Symptoms, Diagnoses, and Treatment of Depression and Arthritis according to the Tibetan Healing System

LOCATION: Carnegie Free Library of SWISSVALE
1800 Monongahela Avenue
Swissvale, PA 15218-2312

PRESENTER:  Mempa Youlha Tsering
Tibetan Medicine Practitioner
Massage Therapist

Mempa Youlha Tsering is a Tibetan physician graduated from the Qinghai University Tibetan Medical College in 2003. He has received training in Moxibustion, Tibetan Ku Nye Massage and “Golden Needle Therapy” as external healing practices from the Provincial  Tibetan Medical Hospital in 2007 and worked as a Tibetan Medicine Practitioner in Tibet and Nepal for many years.  After coming to the United States, he explored a variety of massage and bodywork training in Conway, MA and Asheville, NC, and is licensed as a Massage Therapist. Youlha is dedicated to providing Tibetan Medical care that promotes long-term physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Mempa Youlha has given professional presentations on many topics including:  Tibetan Perspectives on Pathology and Wellness, Promoting Health by Decreasing Negative Emotions, and Tibetan Medical Perspectives on Arthritis.


This presentation at the Carnegie Free Library of SWISSVALE is FREE to the public.  Donations to support Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center‘s educational events are heartily appreciated as always.

During his 3-day visit to Pittsburgh, Mempa Youlha is also available for individual consultation on July 29, Saturday afternoon and evening, after his presentation, and July 30, Sunday, at TRTCC, located near the library at 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218.

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation please send us a message to threeriversdharma@gmail.com with your full name, phone number, and preferred time.  Thank you.

To download a flyer please click here:
TRTCC Tibetan Medicine flyer


July 6th Celebration of HH Dalai Lama’s Birthday

Celebration of H.H. Dalai Lama’s 82nd Birthday

Thursday, July 6th, 2017   7-8:30pm

His Holiness Dalai Lama is recognized all over the world as the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people committed to promoting human values such as compassion and love, and to enable understanding  and harmony among all religions.  He is also working in great effort on preserving Tibetan Buddhist culture of peace and non-violence.

TRTCC will have an evening of celebration, led by Ven. Khenpo Choephel, with mantra accumulation of Buddha Amitayu, White Tara and Lhamo Namgyalma on Dalai Lama’s 82nd birthday, for the continuation of his compassionate activities in the universe until the end of samsara.

Thursday, 7/6/ 2017
7pm – 8:30pm


LOCATION: Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center
7313 Florence Avenue,
Pittsburgh PA 15218

Saga Dawa Celebration Sunday June 18, 2017

Saga Dawa Celebration

Sunday June 18, 2017

Sunday, June 18th
10am – 12pm

1:30pm – 4:30pm

Saga Dawa is the 4th Lunar Month in Tibetan Calendar.

TRTCC will have a day of celebration with prayers and chanting led by Ven. Khenpo Choephel to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and parinirvana of the historical Buddha Śākyamuni, and the founding father of Drikung Kagyu, Jigten Sumgon.



LOCATION: Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center
7313 Florence Avenue,
Pittsburgh PA 15218

His Eminence Tritsab Rinpoche June 10-11 2017 Teaching

His Eminence Tritsab Rinpoche
Pittsburgh Teaching Information

Saturday and Sunday June 10-11, 2017

SATURDAY, June 10th 10AM – 12PM
Teaching on Loving Kindness and Compassion

3PM – 6PM
Empowerment of Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion

LOCATION: Sixth Presbyterian Church
1688 Murray Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

SUNDAY, June 11th, 10AM – 12PM
Empowerment of the Great Dharma Protectress
of the Drikung Kagyu lineage,
Achi Chokyi Drolma

2PM – 5PM
Teaching and Practice of the Great Dharma Protectress
Achi Chokyi Dorlma

LOCATION: Three Rivers Tibetan Cultural Center
7313 Florence Avenue,
Pittsburgh PA 15218

Vipasyana Meditation Instruction – May 7th

Instructions on Vipasyana Meditation

by Venerable Khenpo Choephel

Sunday, May 7, 2017 10am-12pm, 1:30-4:30pm

VIPASYANA is a meditation method that cultivates special insight or excellent seeing.

According to Ven. Khenpo Choephel, Vipasyana Meditation is the concentrative method that can conquer wild mind, overcome afflictive emotions and uproot sorrow. One can find ultimate inner peace and realize perfect wisdom with this practice, so it is most important to take on this practice again and again until the ultimate accomplishment of seeing one’s true nature is reached.

The teaching will take place on Sundays, May 7.


To download a flyer: Vipasyana Meditation flyer

TRTCC is located at: 7313 Florence Avenue, Pittsburgh PA 15218